Engelstalig, geïllustreerd, 2013, 177...
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Engelstalig, geïllustreerd, 2013, 177 pagina's door Roy Bhikharie.
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Create Work-Life Synergies in Executieve Counseling
Engelstalig, geïllustreerd, 2013, 177 pagina's door Roy Bhikharie.
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Omslag | Paperback |
Papiersoort | Standaard |
Onder redactie van / Edited by: Richard Heeres.
As the basis of Work-Life Synergies, decent work encapsulates employees’ aspirations with respect to work and enables them to balance the demands of work and home life. Employees’ satisfaction, then, increases productivity and stimulates learning, adaptability, empathy, trust, and creativity. While the United Nations are advocating decent work since 1975, corporate abuse, job stress, and mental health complaints, exceeding those caused by any other life-stressor, are increasing worldwide while lowering productivity. This lack of decent work manifests itself in poor working conditions, low salaries, child labor, job insecurity, fear, distrust, and poverty. Surprisingly, all this could happen despite basic human rights and the involvement of local Chambers of Commerce, Trade and Labor Unions, and other Non-Governmental Organizations and Executives. This research project investigates which underlying mechanisms might have led to unsound paradigms that inhibited the practice of claimed beliefs, and how sound paradigms could be promoted to facilitate practicing claimed beliefs, raising productivity. Promoting sound paradigms implies establishing a healthy unconscious-conscious relationship from a true-self perspective or psycho-synthesis: Start doing what you like and do best. From this perspective, the overall business strategy should provide constructive conditions to create Work-Life Synergies: Dedicated employees are not for sale but should be earned.
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